I’ve been teaching yoga for 10 years. There’s one thing I always tell my students, at every single class: yoga practice is very personal. My ultimate goal is to inspire you and provide tools so you can develop your own personalized practice at home. I aim to teach you how to breathe and move your body to answer to your own needs: whether you need to relax, destress, energize or connect to your soul.
So, if you’re reading this, it means you’re interested in developing your yoga practice at home, and I’m thrilled for you.
“Today I am sharing my top 10 tips on how to start a home yoga practice”
1. Get equipment you like
You want to look forward to your practice, so get some equipment that feels nice to you. Start with the basics: a good cozy mat and some comfortable clothes. After trying lots of mats, my current favorite is the Manduka Pro Yoga and Pilates Mat. If you like practicing with props, get a couple of blocks, a strap and a blanket.
2. Find your sacred space
It doesn’t need to be a fancy space, but a space you can count on. You’ll find it easier to establish a regular practice if you have an allocated space you can count on. Make sure it’s somewhat private, so no one will disturb you.
3. Decide the time of the day when you’ll practice
I recommend practicing yoga first thing in the morning, before you get bombarded with distractions and demands from the outside world. This means setting the alarm before everyone else in your house wakes up. While I love practicing in the morning, this does not necessarily work for everyone. You might want to try different times of the day and decide what you prefer.
4. Decide your practice duration
This is important as otherwise you might be tempted to cut it short. If you’ve set aside 45 minutes for your practice, try to honor that time.
5. Decide your strategy
Depending on your preferences and how long you’ve been practicing before. If you’re new, I recommend following a guided class at a good online studio, like The Yoga Collective (see post “How to use our site”). If you have an intermediate level, you can replicate the practice you’ve learned at your studio. If you’re advanced, you can just listen to your intuition and give your body-mind-soul the practice it needs.
6. Switch off your phone and electronics
You want no distractions, no temptations. Allow yourself to focus, truly.
7. Frequency is key
In order to really establish a home practice, you need to step on the mat regularly. Even if you’re short on time, step on the mat and breathe deeply. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking “I’ll skip my yoga today as I don’t have a full hour to practice”. A 5 minute practice is better than no practice.
8. Commit to it!
I’m the first to admit, some days I really don’t feel like practicing. Instead of skipping it completely, I just choose a shorter class or an easier level than I would normally go for.
9. Enjoy
Yoga is not about what you think, it’s about what you feel. This is “me time”, it’s incredibly beneficial for you… so enjoy it. Feel every posture; focus on your breath, practice mindfulness. Don’t feel the need to do things perfectly; it’s called “yoga practice”, not “yoga perfect”!
10. Let your practice inspire you
The benefits of yoga can go beyond what you experience on the mat (see post “How yoga changes your body, from the first day”). If you succeed at establishing a regular home yoga practice, you’ll be inspired to make healthier choices in your daily life. You’ll eat healthier foods, respect your body more, engage in more nourishing relationships, sleep better and feel amazing!
Please thank yourself for your decision to start a home yoga practice. It’s one of the best things you can do for your health and your wellbeing… congratulations!
If you have questions or comments, find me at @soniaribascoach and we’ll chat.