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Twisting Half Moon – Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana

Pose Summary

Twisting Half Moon aka Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana is a challenging posture that will help detoxify the organs of the body. Proper alignment is key in this posture so make sure to keep a block handy.

Yoga Collective - Twisting Half Moon – Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana


Step 1

Begin in Tadasana (mountain pose) with your feet together and arms alongside your body. Distribute the weight evenly in your feet. If you have a hard time staying balanced here stand with the feet parallel and hip distance apart. 

Step 2

Bring the hands to prayer at your heart as you begin to shift the weight into your right foot. Then, gently start to lean the torso forward as the left leg reaches straight back. The body should be parallel with the earth. 

Step 3

Engage the core of by drawing the navel in and up towards the spine. 

Step 4

Root down through the standing foot and distribute the weight evenly without gripping in the toes.

Step 5

The standing knee should be slightly bent so as not to lock out the knee. 

Step 6

Activate the back leg and flex the toes towards your face as the heel presses back into an imaginary wall. Lift the leg by lifting the inner thigh towards the sky while you draw the left outer hip towards the earth.Keep the hips even and parallel to the earth.

Step 7

Bring the palm of the right hand to the sacrum to ensure the hips are even. Then initiate a twist from your core, opening the heart to the right. Extend the right arm up to the sky and bring the left fingertips to the earth (or a block) directly under your head. 

*Modifications:  Use a block on the highest setting.  This is a good spot for most yogis and will help to stabilize the pose so you could focus on proper alignment and twisting technique.

Step 8

Soften the gaze up towards the right fingertips. 

Step 9

To release Twisting Half Moon, gently untwist the body and bring the fingertips to the earth.  Then slowly lower your lifted leg and come back to an upright position. Bring the arms back alongside the body. Repeat on the left side.


  • Strengths  the ankles, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, and lower back. 
  • Stretches the shoulders, chest, torso, spine, groin, hamstrings, and calves
  • Promotes physical and mental stability
  • Stimulates digestive organs 
  • Detoxifies the body


  • Low blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Diarrhea
  • Pregnant woman 
  • Neck injuries