Organic Detox

Andres Salcedo
Stimulating different energy points of the body with gentle twists, this gentle yoga class helps activate and detoxify the physical body and...
Andres Salcedo
Begin your day in the perfect way with an all levels, well rounded and dynamic gentle yoga class. Enhance clarity, focus and...
Andres Salcedo
Begin your day in the perfect way with an all levels, well rounded and dynamic gentle yoga class. Enhance clarity, focus and...
Andres Salcedo
Start your day with a nice blend of traditional Tai Chi and Yoga. Release deep tension and stress with this flavory combination....
Andres Salcedo
You can start your day or finish it with this superb gentle yoga sequence. A selection of some of the top of...
Andres Salcedo
Create physical and mental space by releasing accumulated tension, with a simple and approachable series of deep stretches. Improve creativity for your...