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Cow Pose – Bitilasana

Pose Summary

Cow Pose aka Bitilasana is generally practiced with Cat Pose. Moving with the breath you flow through these two postures; inhale Cow Pose and exhale Cat Pose. This combination of postures is great for beginners. It is also a great flow to waken and warm up the spine.

Yoga Collective - Cow Pose – Bitilasana


Step 1

Start on all fours. Hands are shoulder distance apart with the fingers spread wide. The shins are hips distance apart.  The shoulders are stacked directly over the elbows and wrists. The hips are stacked directly over the knees. 

Step 2

Engage the core by gently drawing the navel in and up towards the spine 

Step 3

On an inhale, drop the belly (still keeping the engagement) and shine the heart through your arms.

Step 4

Initiate the backbend from the thoracic spine (the area in the back of your heart) and avoid dumping into your lower back.

Step 5

Bring the gaze forward and slightly up. Avoid crunching the neck.

Step 6

Exhale come into cat pose


  • Lengthens the spine 
  • Relieves stress and anxiety


  • 2nd & 3rd trimester pregnant women should avoid this posture
  • Wrist, lower back and neck injuries