Lotus Pose aka Padmasana is an advanced posture not recommended for beginners and those with very tight hips or knee issues. This posture is often used for deep meditation . Sukhasana (Easy Seat) and Half Lotus (Firelog) are preparatory postures for this pose!
Pose Summary

Step 1
Come to seated on the ground, legs extended in front of your, spine straight and arms by your side. This is Dandasana.
Step 2
Bend the right knee and draw it into your chest. Then guide your right ankle to the left hip crease. The ankle and top of the right foot should rest in that hip crease as the sole of the foot faces the sky.
Step 3
Bend the left knee and draw it into your chest. Then bring your left ankle to the right hip crease. The ankle and top of the left foot should rest in that hip crease as the sole of the foot faces the sky.
Step 4
Press the knees in towards one another. Root the sit bones down into the earth and lengthen the spine through the crown of the head. The chin is parallel with the earth. There is a slight engagement of the belly by drawing the navel in and up towards the spine.
Step 5
The palms of the hands come to rest on either knee and drae the shoulders away from the ears.
Step 6
Soften your gaze and bring it towards your third eye, the space in between your eyebrows.
Step 7
To release, gently extend both legs forward again and repeat switching the crossing of your legs.
- Stretches knees, ankles and hips
- Increases circulation in the pelvic region which can help alleviate menstrual cramps and symptoms from menopause
- Calms the mind and is conducive for deep meditation
- Knee, ankle or hip injury