Shri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram Om: I am Joyful

David Newman
Aum is the foundation of the Sanskrit language. It is considered to be the cosmic source sound of all mantras. The A...
David Newman
This mantra is for removing obstacles, staying grounded, and focused. It connects us to the root chakra at the base of the...
David Newman
This mantra is a love filled lullaby for the soul. It illuminates and amplifies our inner joy, and combines a melodious sequence...
David Newman
This is a mantra that fosters a feeling of protection through connecting with one’s inner strength and resilience. It is an empowering...
David Newman
This mantra is formed by combining the Om sound with the Sanskrit word Shanti, which simply means peace. This is a calming,...
David Newman
This is a beautiful and simple mantra, and a powerful affirmation. This mantra is all heart, and flows off the tongue with...
David Newman
This is a powerful mantra for health and well-being. It reminds us that health is a state of being and love is...
David Newman
This is a sacred mantra centered in the Buddhist tradition but universal in its message and application. This is known as the...
David Newman
This is an uplifting mantra for abundance and prosperity. It is a healing and feminine mantra that draws in the light to...
David Newman
Neti Neti means: not this, not that. It is the primary mantra in the practice of Jñāna yoga, the yoga of self-inquiry....
David Newman
This mantra is known as the Mukti Mantra, or the mantra of liberation. In it, we offer our reverence to the inner...
David Newman
This is one of the most sacred Sanskrit mantras which taps deep into our eternal true nature. Om Namah Shivaya is a...
David Newman
This is a mantra to the feminine nurturing aspect of life. The mantra means victory to the Divine Mother. It evokes a...
David Newman
These bija mantras, or one syllable seed sounds, correspond to the chakras, the wheels of light that circulate energy in our bodies....
David Newman
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare This is the Mahā Mantra, meaning...
David Newman
This is a healing Sanskrit mantra and prayer. It is called the Pavamāna Mantra, meaning the purifying mantra. It is translated as:...
David Newman
Dive into the cosmic vibes with this mantra that serves as your guide to the ultimate cosmic teacher. Amplify your receptivity and...
David Newman
Get ready to vibe with So'Ham, a mantra that packs a punch with its meaning: "I am that, all that is, or,...
David Newman
This is the Gayatri Mantra, one of the most sacred of all mantras. It is translated as: We meditate on that most...
David Newman
This is a mantra that harmonizes and balances feminine and masculine polarities. Sita represents the lunar feminine qualities, and Ram, the solar...
David Newman
This mantra is known as the Heart Mantra and means: I am gone, gone, gone beyond, fully gone to the further shore,...
David Newman
This mantra means: May all beings everywhere be happy and free. It is a beautiful mantra with a powerful and loving intention....