Journey to Birth with Gigi Yogini: Prenatal Breathing Demo

Gigi Yogini
Try deepening your breath, connecting to the miracle of pregnancy, and listening to what you inner wisdom has to say. Create a...
Gigi Yogini
Dive deeper into the pelvic floor and pick up the know-how to keep it robust and thriving. Let's unlock the secrets and...
Gigi Yogini
Level up your breath game with three techniques designed to carry you through the entire pregnancy journey and beyond. Let's dial into...
Gigi Yogini
Level up your pregnancy relaxation game by mastering the art of modifying three safe and soothing poses. Bust out your props –...
Gigi Yogini
Get in that tabletop groove, mama! It's the sweet spot for your baby's optimal positioning during labor and delivery. Sync up your...
Gigi Yogini
Revitalize your body as you lubricate your joints and ignite circulation in this dynamic standing sequence. Dive into a fusion of hip-opening...
Gigi Yogini
Discover the art of modifying your sun salutations to embrace that blossoming belly. We're diving into a range of transitions, helping you...
Gigi Yogini
Connect all the dots in this 60-minute flow that's got a taste of everything. We're hitting all the notes before you nestle...
Gigi Yogini
Fire up those legs and power up your pelvic floor as you groove through these squat exercises designed to bust open those...